Sunday, November 10, 2019

New South Wales is not growing on me..... (not the retirement I had envisioned)

I have had a very limited perception of what's possible since I finished unpacking. The research I did prior to the move regards Neighbourhood Houses turned out to be incorrect, no Neighbourhood house in Nambucca or Macksville. My vision of retirement, didn't include getting up before 7 to go for a walk because it is too hot to go for a walk later in the day. Although I was looking forward to getting into gardening in Tassie (it had become overgrown when I was off the deck with my leg injury for 6 weeks then I was working fulltime) isn't going to work well because of the heat (I am not getting up even earlier to do gardening as well as a walk) also the weeds are on steroids. However, have just spent a lovely few days catching up with my family in Queensland, I am doing a lot of knitting (and I have a lot of yarn in my stash) so catching up on some reading for Book Chat through U3A which I have joined. Going to a craft group with CWA on Thursdays, then we do our shopping. Planning on doing some writing on my blog and writing up some of my knitting patterns for my craft group here on facebook. So have to get my rear into gear and try to appreciate what NSW has to offer; but it will never measure up in anyway to Tasmania.

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