Saturday, May 9, 2020

Review for The Cake Maker's Wish by Josephine Moon.

The Cake Maker’s Wish by Josephine Moon
I have copies of all Josephine Moons novels and this one did not disappoint.
The research is impeccable, this story starts in Richmond Tasmania and having lived there for 7 years the sections of the book that were set in Richmond were so accurate I could see the stories playing out before my eyes. The characters were honest to goodness people you could imagine being best friends with in real life.
The themes within the story are so much a part of everyday life that it was amazing and kept me wanting to turn the page. Often we wish we could have a fresh start in life and Olivia found hers.
Themes including rejuvenating a village, a bit of romance, a celebrity wedding, parenting themes pertinent to this day and age, and of course the odd disgruntled person who could throw a spanner in the works (don’t we all know at least one of those).
I loved the flow of the narrative keeping the reader spellbound (true in my case) I especially loved the Epilogue, it was great to read what was happening next for the main character Olivia and her son Darcy.

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