Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My skinny right foot

Went to the Doctor today as I have been having problems with pain in my right foot.  Have this horrible feeling like your sock has fallen down and is in a clump just under your big toe and the one next to it… Also have this feeling like a marble is underneath the ball of your foot.   This doesn’t help with going for a walk, as it feels quite annoying and debilitating, then add in this horrible burning sensation as if you have worn knee high socks with elastic to keep them up… you may remember this from school days, you removed the elastic and the socks and you could feel where the elastic had been along with a slight burning or itchy feeling.

Verdict Neuropathy for the burning sensation and pain under the toes… and the marble feeling, I haven’t got a very thick pad of fat under the meta tarsal bones.

OMG! The only part of my body that has responded to dieting… far out! 

What can you do for this…. Not a lot…. Some of the problem could be attributed to footwear in the past I think, not that I ever wore high heels but I did wear shoes that had shaped soles, and I do remember one pair that rubbed the knuckle of one of the toes affected.

Luckily the feelings are not there all the time, just annoying when they happen.

I honestly cannot get over having skinny metatarsal pads…. Where is the justice in that….lol